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Tolerating The Player

  • 👁 21.8K
  • 8.6
  • 💬 0


Isabella Brown, an eighteen years old girl who had the weight of the world on her head with parents who doesn't care for her and her little brother, decided to go on a low profile in her new school. Unfortunately for her the popular boy returned to the school, everything became a nightmare for her when she was caught up in a dare contest and has to be with the bad boy all day for three weeks. Will she find her peace and happiness with the bad boy or will their relationship go on a Roller Coaster Ride?


Stacy Lloyd

Review after half of the novel

I really like this book so far. Although at times I get a little confused and it takes me a little bit to figure out what exactly is going on. I'm wondering what exactly is up with Maya. Also I'm hoping Bella ends up forgiving Zach even though I can't understand why she is so mad at him. I'm also hoping that Kaia gets what she has coming for being so mean and such a bully. She never wanted Zachs baby anyways. Looking forward to the ending!

March 8, 2024

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