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Despicable Roommate

  • 👁 17K
  • 8.9
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He was a bad boy, not the type of person Lynn needed in her apartment but her best friends thought otherwise. Lynn's new roommate was not the usual bad boy type with a soft heart but an annoying and arrogant pervert. Lynn hated Alec but she wasn't sure of her heart. Was it on the same page with her mind? She knew that falling for the bad boy could only lead to disaster. Could she stop her heart from wanting the one young man she had vowed to never get close to? You can find out more by reading this book.



Review after the novel completion

This was a great story. I’m so glad you got them back together. It had me worried at first that you weren’t going to get them back together. It would have been nice if in some way they could have gotten some pay back with how that crazy wenches did them. But all in all it was a great story and really kept you wanting to read the next page. I look forward to reading more of your work!

April 12, 2024

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