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Trapped By My Ruthless Alpha Mate

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Alpha King Patrick's lover Gabrielle was murdered by rogues. Gloria, his mate, was his prime suspect. Gloria was desperate to explain herself, but Patrick was traumatized and locked her up. After Gloria was released, her wolf turned timid. Patrick was surprised that Gloria's affection for him was waning, though he did not reject her. At the same time, the truth was about to be revealed...


Sondra Covert

Review after the novel completion

The book was exciting not knowing what was going to happen next to Gloria. Alpha Patrick was very controversial in his reactions. He was hateful to Gloria but then he was also very protective of her. He didn’t want her as his mate but he didn’t want any other man to touch her. I knew the glass coffin was going to fail somehow, it was a good thing the Patrick arrived in time and finally figured out how to break the glass. I was differently disappointed with the ending. It just left you hanging

September 1, 2024

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