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Their Forced Luna

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  • 9.4
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Amanda was just trying to escape her pack from a monster that wants to rip her apart and devour the pieces. But she might have just stumbled onto something worse. Alpha Zale finds her on the edge of his property and if she wants sanctuary, there's only one thing she can do, submit. But the demon she's found isn't just any Alpha. He's her mate, and he likes to share. And will the one she's run from really let her get away that easily? Or is Amanda about to be caught in a battle between devils that want far more than her soul? A dark dubcon RH adventure


Maria Jakobsen

Review after half of the novel

Den er jo ikke færdig?! Lang historie som virker på nogle punkter men ikke på andre. Det virker som om forfatteren nogle gange springer rundt i tingene og flere steder er der tidligere afsnit som siger sig ind og skaber forvirring - den kunne godt bruge en god overhaling så den fremstår mere flydende i læsningen. Selve historien er god og sex scenerne er rigtig gode og meget hotte. De bærer meget af bogen, og hvis det ikke var for dem, var jeg ikke nået hele vejen igennem- selvom slutningen efterlader meget til ingenting.

March 11, 2024

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