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The Rejected Alpha's Counselor

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“As a counselor, you shall never choose your emotion over your reason. Can you do that?” “Yes, madam.” “You shall always offer the most professional advice despite your personal feelings for the clients. Can you promise that?” “I’d do my best, madam.” “Well. Welcome to join Moonlight Company then.” Ara is a an omega majors in machine learning. She starts her first intern in a media company where she needs to help clients to find a girlfriend or boyfriend. To be a formal employee in the company, Ara is asked to pass a trial, to guide Alpha Nick to find his match. Weirdly, Alpha Nick is rejected again and again until one day Ara discovers his secret. The Alpha fails every date Ara arranges for him on purpose…because she is his real target.


Stefania Alexandra Ibarra

Review after the novel completion

I love this story so much! It the first time I finish one so fast!! It was funny, entertaining and lovely! I wish to know more but I am predicting more books, others couples and more of Nick and Ara 😁 (even is they are side characters)!!! There so many unanswered questions, the author has to write more! I want to know more of Jack and his pack and family, and his potential mate, I need to know Mike's story 🤩, and I would love to know about others characters, like Mia, Henry and Joy (especially) I need more!!🤩🤩🤩❤️❤️😁😁

June 21, 2024

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