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Best Romance Novels

The Lost Luna of Silver Lake

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  • 9.2
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Amelia’s only goal the last five years was ‘Survival’. She didn’t know why every rogue she encountered wanted a normal human like her dead. She didn’t know why her mother had to sacrifice herself to protect her. All she knew was that she needed to survive. She needed to make it to the Silver Lake pack. Only then would she get the answers that she needed to make sense of the tragic life she lived.


Antonietta Melis

Review after half of the novel

I'm enjoying this novel so far. Once again you haven't let me down. Loving all the characters the author has introduced us to. It's a shame we didn't get to see much of Lily, but I am assuming that will happen in the very near future once we delve into Lily and Amelia's past to which I am so looking forward. Love the dynamics between Jason, Michael, Thomas and Pete and not forgetting Patrick. Looking forward to reading more. Keep up the good work.

June 26, 2024

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