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The Lost Luna of Silver Lake Reviews



Review after half of the novel

This novel is suspenseful and has one wanting to read more. I’m falling in love with the characters. Now I find myself questioning the premise of this story. Is it based off a legend? Is the “awakening “ as Patrick phrased it, the awakening of Amelia? But as what? Is her hair silver because she’s the incarnation of the silver lake or something closer to the moon goddess? However, my biggest question is, who is Amelia’s father and what happened to her as a child? Did he see the transformation and does he know what it means?

June 17, 2024


Review after half of the novel

With each chapter l get captivated and can’t seem to stop reading the next page. It’s thrilling, it’s gripping, it’s exciting and exotic. I want more, I can’t seem to stop and I’m really hoping both Lia and Jason find their happily ever after. Please don’t tear them apart…… they both have been through enough. Does Lia have a wolf? A social wolf….. why are they not allowed to consummate? This is so frustrating as I want them to fine happiness and fulfilment with what little time they have before a war breaks out. Please make sure Patrick is safe and comes back home in one piece as Liam has lost enough. Can’t wait to finish the book. Love it!

July 1, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Good. .

July 1, 2024

Brandey Case

Review after half of the novel

Loving getting into all these characters and hearing their stories. The bonds they make. Looking forward to seeing where their stories lead and finding out what truly happened in the past. The more I read the more I want to read. So hard to put this book down. Everybody has such a unique personality and story truly a great story. So many questions I can't wait to get answers to. I love how even though there are always so many unanswered questions it keeps you guessing.

July 1, 2024


Review after the novel completion

I was very impressed with the story line and progression. The characters are well written and have depth. Sometimes this style feels completely AI generated, but the phrasing and scene progression were well thought out. I do get frustrated with the shorter chapters, but I’m not holding it against the author. I think the skill and thought process that resulted in this story line, the author could be quite successful. Thank you for creating this story and I enjoyed reading it.

July 1, 2024

Stephanie Nelson

Review after half of the novel

I really love this novel I love that it keeps you on your toes the suspense is killing me I need answers now lol it is well written and such a good story plot I'm just hoping it keeps staying this good I'm not even half way through I'm praying it's not all the good stuff in the middle and then just falls off in the end it's just too good to be that disappointing so fingers crossed I have full faith it's just going to get better

June 30, 2024

Cheryl Baumgardner

Review after half of the novel

Awesome book I'm not really into reading online but I can't put this app down I even read at work when I work overnights. Great stories easy to use app and I even have my family and friends using the app. Being a single mom I don't have much time for reading but this app makes it easier to read while being busy. When working I listen to the stories and in the car pretty much doing anything that I do in a day.

June 30, 2024


Review after the novel completion

This book was well written and had you on your toes with every chapter, I hope the author continues with a sequel about what’s to come from the ending because it would be a hit and I can guarantee it will have many people reading it. Bravo and keep them coming and I will definitely keep reading your books if they are this freaking amazing and well written. I will be sending gifts out for you in a bit

June 30, 2024

Debbie Flower

Review after the novel completion

I really did enjoy this story, I'm hoping for a second book hopefully carrying on with several of the main characters, for example does Pete come back to the pack and bring a mate home? I laughed, cried and rooted for Lottie and her family from the start to the end, the abuse she went through at the hands of her own father had me sobbing my heart out. Please please author can we have a follow up. Many thanks for the escapism.

June 30, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Great read. Loving the story so far can’t wait to see what happens! Why does the review need to be so many words? I said everything I had to say in the first sentence. The rest is her a waste of time to fill the word count. La la la la la la la. A b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

June 29, 2024