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The Cursed Mate

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I sat right next to him and stared at his sleeping face. "I'm sorry. I can't let you see me like this. You deserve someone strong and beautiful. I am nothing but a weak and useless she-wolf." I said out loud. I got up and went downstairs. I was going to go back to my apartment, but there was heavy rain outside. It would make it harder for me to get out of the no-man's-land safely. 'Is your decision already final?' Avi asked. 'Yes, Avi. I don't want to be around when he wakes up. I can't handle another breakup. Not from my mate. The less he knows, the better.' I replied. 'How are you so sure that he is going to reject us? We haven't even met him properly. What if he is not like Uriah?' She asked. 'I don't want to get my hopes high and then end up getting hurt. Yes, he may not be like Uriah. He can be the worst.' I replied. I stood by the door and watched as the rain fell and the thunder roared. They were like music to my troubled heart. At least, even for a little while, all the pain would go. If only the rain could wash all my pain away. Once the rain stopped, I would go back to my apartment and pack my bags. I would go as far away as possible from here. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. For now, I was going to let the rain numb my pain away. That was, until he engulfed me in a hug. "Mate." he groaned.


Karen Williams

Review after the novel completion

I loved the book! I hope it doesn’t end here. We have to find out what happens next. The curse was different in this book than in others and it made it more interesting. I loved the characters of this book they really made me love them they were strong and courageous. The protagonist was awesome I just wish it wasn’t the main characters sibling. In the end it wrapped up pretty good I’m looking forward to your next book!!!

June 24, 2024

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