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The Alpha Triplets and the Rogue

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"I was the first to kiss her," Bryce brags. "I call her virginity," Ace yells out loudly. "She will love me first," Chris responds angrily. Erica rolls her eyes and stomps her foot. "I hate you! All of you!!" Erica finds herself homeless and without a family after her parents are banished from the West Pack. She is forced to take the only option that is laid out before her. To go to the North Pack and live with the Alpha, Luna, and their Triplet sons. Being no stranger to the North Pack, Erica is aware of just how cruel Ace, Bryce, and Chris can be. But what she doesn't expect is to be stripped of her Beta status and considered a Rogue within the Pack. Shamed and tormented Erica becomes nothing more than a shell of the woman that she used to be. That is until the fateful night that she finds her mate. Will she accept the bond that has been given to her by the Moon Goddess or will she run as far away as she can get?


Chelise Rawdon

Review after half of the novel

You have me hooked from the very beginning , I've read a few multiple alpha/mate books this is a great one. Hope I feel satisfied in the end. This is a first time for an omega Rouge. It's also kinda of a mystery as wel the magic is the only thing im not sure of. I'm not into safe the world special wo,f thing. It's a wait and see. As I have not finished thr book. Wish it was cheaper to buy chapters.

March 24, 2024

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