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Best Romance Novels

That Beauty is The Beast

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  • 7.5
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Belle is a rare and odd beauty among her pack. Unlike the lycans in her pack who can combine themselves with their wolves when they shift, she can only become a full wolf or a full human. She is different, but that does not mean that she is weak. With her being the newly appointed beta of the pack, the alpha assigned her a mission to infiltrate the hunters and learn their secrets. Their lands are dying, and if they cannot find another way to defeat the hunters, their pack will starve. She was able to enrol as a hunter in the human academy thanks to her unique ability to conceal her lycan features. But the more she learns at the academy, the more she realizes she is siding with the wrong people. More mysteries emerge as she learns that she is not the only lycan who can shift between human and wolf forms. But the more she tries to learn about these werewolves, the more she is hampered by Ajax Finnegan, another hunter in training at the academy who is just as strong as she is. Will Belle continue to side with the lycans, or will she continue her search for answers from these so called werewolves?


Nayla Lrb

Review after half of the novel

It’s a beautiful story, it don’t waste time by « talking to much » the story pass smoothly the writing make the lecture confortable and easy for for someone who isn’t English born as I don’t found myself drowned in long sentences. The differences of civilizations is very interesting we can has a new angle of lecture bringing fresh air because of the similarities of my usual lectures. The characters are very good described and a strong girl is always very much appreciable

April 24, 2024

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