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Best Romance Novels

My Lycan Triplet Stepbrothers

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"We shouldn't do this. . ." I whispered as I watched my stepbrothers' glowing eyes sweep hungrily down my body. "Yet. . .It is inevitable. You can never stop the fire that burns from the existence of a mate bond," they whispered breathlessly in unison. Yulia Moonshadow has been on the run for five years and just when she thinks she can finally lay her guard down, the predator— Dimitri catches up to her. She is about to resume the run when her mother announces her marriage with the most powerful man in the realm— Lycan Silver Frostwood. Yulia has no choice but to allow this union and she moves in to find out that Lycan Silver has triplets who turn out to be her mates. As hard as all four of them try to ignore the power of the mate bond, it pulls them in until they begin a secret affair in the cover of darkness. But happiness is not meant to stay forever. For darkness greater than the secrets getting revealed as well as the devil Dimitri himself is slowly creeping in and before they realize it. . . It is already too late.



Review after half of the novel

Its an interesting read! It starts off with an intriguing introduction and the story builds nicely. I’m not sure when i became so fascinated with twins, triplets or multiple relationships. But its a turn on. And the relationship she builds with her triplets gets fiery real fast. I like how the boys all have their own individual personalities and they all have their own feelings and morals towards her and well, things in general. Im fascinated to see what direction the story will go in and cant wait to read more!! ✨

April 28, 2024

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