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My Brother, My Mate

  • 👁 2.8K
  • 5.0
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Tracy didn't know why she was so unlucky. Her brother, who had always ignored her, was her mate. She accidentally found that her brother was in collusion with the rogues, but she was hunted down. After escaping from her pack, she slowly found that everything was different from what she thought...



Review after the novel completion

Love this book, wished the secret of their relationship of not being blood siblings was revealed earlier so she wasn't so stressed, but told to keep it a secret. She will make a great Luna with all that she has experienced. She just needs to believe in herself. Her desire to become a doctor will serve her will in caring for her pack members, like a true Luna should. Hope she has more pups later on so that Osborn can enjoy being a father to other pups and Lashay, and have some siblings.

September 4, 2024

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