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Best Romance Novels

My Brother, My Mate

  • 👁 2.8K
  • 5.0
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Tracy didn't know why she was so unlucky. Her brother, who had always ignored her, was her mate. She accidentally found that her brother was in collusion with the rogues, but she was hunted down. After escaping from her pack, she slowly found that everything was different from what she thought...


Review after half of the novel

Impressive novel but still thinking where it's leading ....kind of hard to figure out what the writer wants with so many unnecessary scenes in between but uuh i guess that's the beauty of the novel then's keep all things in sequence and discusses everything in others point of view as well ...many scenes are also repeatwd alongside each narrator charaactors view and the allows the reader to theoughlu enjoy this astonishing experience that can not be received in others..

July 16, 2024

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