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Best Romance Novels

Mated To The Beastly Alpha

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  • 8.8
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Liam Hallows was feared by everyone for being fierce and angry. He didn't believe in love or having a mate, preferring short flings with no strings attached. But his life changes when he has a one-night stand with Nicole Mallory and accidentally bonds with her, a mistake he wishes he never made. Nicole Mallory, a beloved luna, suffered because of her mate, who used her to pay off her parents' debts. She was forced to watch him with other omegas, causing her so much pain that she ended up drinking in a bar and spending the night with a stranger. This stranger was Liam, who now finds himself tied to her. As Liam struggles with this unwanted bond, he must face his inner struggles. Will he be able to win Nicole’s heart, or will she tame the beast within him?


Nicole ST. Bernard

Review after half of the novel

From the beginning, the novel caught my attention. I enjoyed reading in my free time and look forward to the exciting story. This story has me on the edge of my seat. It is lovely, yet sad. Sometimes I tears would come. This is how I know it's a great story. I am very much emotionally attached. I will definitely recommend for anyone to read, especially if you are invested in these type of thrilling love stories. You won't regret it.

January 15, 2024

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