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Love Me, Or Reject Me

  • 👁 4.5K
  • 7.5
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After an abrupt stampede, Freya was hastily taken to the hospital, yet her mate Kingsley found solace in another woman. For three long years, Freya harbored the hope that her love would thaw Kingsley's icy heart, but alas, her yearning proved to be nothing more than a jest. She observed Kingsley showering the other woman with affection, and now, weary of unrequited devotion, she resolved to depart, vowing to reject him. However, the aloof Kingsley underwent an astonishing transformation, assuming a new persona as he fervently pursued Freya.


Tracy Lee-Cypher

Review after half of the novel

I am enjoying how the story progresses and the building of relationships when the two packs join. Most of the characters are strong and well built. I will know more when I’m further along in the book. The fact that they don’t know how to find the North Star in relation to the Big Dipper just bugs the crap out of me! This story, like most of them, definitely needs to be proofread; for crying out loud, there’s free apps that do that for you! Spell check, people!

March 24, 2024

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