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Love Me, Or Reject Me

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After an abrupt stampede, Freya was hastily taken to the hospital, yet her mate Kingsley found solace in another woman. For three long years, Freya harbored the hope that her love would thaw Kingsley's icy heart, but alas, her yearning proved to be nothing more than a jest. She observed Kingsley showering the other woman with affection, and now, weary of unrequited devotion, she resolved to depart, vowing to reject him. However, the aloof Kingsley underwent an astonishing transformation, assuming a new persona as he fervently pursued Freya.


Corrine Friesen

Review after half of the novel

I hope that she can get what she deserves, very strong female character , Freya deserves to make a name for herself in the industry, and hopefully he can learn to love his Luna, he needs to step up, and remind her why she is her luna, 💖 ❤️ hope everyone that has treated badly get what they deserve , the in-laws need to be taught a lesson, and her father, everybody who disrespect the luna, should get what they deserve

March 15, 2024

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