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Hybrid Aria IV

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Alpha King’s Mate Can't believe the Moon goddess my own great great great grandmother would curse her own grandson to a life of misery. Blessings are what they say mates are, mine are a curse. Before I knew how badly mates could destroy you, tear apart your soul, I craved mine. Craved finding my other half, now I know better. Mate’s are a distraction one I couldn’t afford, yet here I am still searching for my little white wolf knowing I will be damned when I finally catch her, that I will once again have to tear off another piece of my soul when I am forced to kill this one too. Mate’s are no blessing and the Moon Goddess, well I have given up on her, my mother is a pure hybrid a direct descendant of the Moon goddess herself,making her the hybrid Queen until she handed her title to me stepping down, now I am the cursed Alpha king. My father was a werewolf so the only good thing I got out of my mother being a hybrid was being the ultimate predator, luckily I was also blessed with a wolf. My twin sisters were like my mother, just hybrid's, no wolf's no shifting, my younger brothers were like me though, tends to run in the female side the hybrid genes. I only craved blood in wolf form, my sisters craved it all the time.



Review after half of the novel

This book, as well as the other 5 in this specific are all really good and worth the read! The author really has a way of pulling you into the specific story while also building on the story lines of her other novels. The terrible past of Reika really pulls you in and leaves you loving her and wanting her to have a happy ending after a life of suffering and torture. Without a doubt worth the read. Love it

March 18, 2024

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