Her SuperStar Mate
- 👁 55
- ⭐ 7.5
- 💬 2
Can true love be found at age 37? Does age difference matter? Do hot guys really fall for plus size girls? Do things exist that we don't know about? Right after her divorce, and needing a change of scenery, Tamara moves to Canada to work for her best friend. There she meets Dax, a guy who's not only younger than her but an actor. However, he has a much bigger secret. Will they be able to overcome the age difference, her past, his social status, her insecurities, and his big secret of being a real werewolf? And will he be able to keep her safe from the dangers of his world? From the she wolf intent on making Dax hers at any cost? You'll need to read to find out! 18+ only! Erotic scenes!
Chapter 1 The Move
Tamera is a 37 year old mom of 2. She recently divorced her husband of 19 years. She only stayed with him until the kids were out on their own. Both kids are in college.
She has 2 friends. One local and one in Canada. Sad, right? Her husband was a decent man. He was a good father to their kids. He worked and paid bills. They had just married because she got pregnant with the twins.
They cared for each other, but were never really in love with each other. It was a mutual decision to stay together and raise the kids. The only good thing about the arrangement was they were able to give the kids a good home and show them care and love. They just never really had love for each other.
Her husband treated her like a friend. She suspected he was with other women, but was very discreet and no one ever knew to her knowledge. At least she never caught him with another woman. Her only regret is all the loveless years she wasted with him. The years of lack of affection had taken their toll on her mentality.
It could have been worse. She could have been in a relationship where she was beaten or verbally abused. He was neither of those things, and he had a good job and provided well for them. He just didn't show her any love or affection. They even slept in separate bedrooms. But her kids were taken care of, bills were paid, and they had a roof over their heads with enough food to eat.
"I can't believe you're actually thinking of going! But I understand why. As much as I would miss you, I know it would do you good to get away." Marie told her.
"I know. Am I crazy? Sheila has been begging me for years to come visit her. And just having the twins, she is in desperate need of help." Tamera explained.
"So? Are you going?" Marie asked.
"Yeah I think I am. I'd be a fool not to at least try it. A free Canadian vacation at a resort and if it doesn't work out, I can always move back." Tamera clarified.
"Well I gotta go. Let me know if you need help packing." Marie responded.
"I'm good." Tamera said.
"Hey girl." Sheila replied.
"Hey." Tamera answered.
"So are you calling me with good or bad news?" Sheila asked.
"Good." Tamera replied.
"OMG REALLY??" Sheila screamed.
"Yeah. I'll come give it a try. But be warned, if it's not for me, I won't stay." Tamera told her.
"That's all I ask! And I know you'll love it here!" Sheila
"We shall see." Tamera said.
"So are you driving?" Sheila asked her.
"Yeah, it's about 9 hours. But I want to have my own vehicle." Tamera explained.
"Okay, well keep me posted. I can't wait! Have a safe trip!" Sheila replied.
"Thanks, talk later." Tamera told her bye.
Tamera told her parents and kids. Her son was not happy about it, but her daughter and parents thought it would be good for her. Her twins, Brady and Paige, are both settled in college now. She's only taking clothes, so packing doesn't take long. The rest of her stuff went into storage at her mom and dad's house. After the car was packed she said her goodbyes and left for Canada.
11 hours later she's pulling into the resort her friend owns. She drove through a huge beautiful town. She pulls up to the valet and Sheila comes running out. They hugged and then went inside.
"I can't believe you're here!! I've put you in one of our best suites." Sheila grinned.
"You didn't have to do that." Tamera thanked her.
"Of course I did! A job perk." Sheila laughed.
Sheila showed her to her room. It's more like a small apartment. It has a kitchen, a small area for a dining table, a living room, 2 bedrooms, and a bathroom. Then they went to Sheila's home. She meets her twins, Cayden and Jayden. Twin boys who are 3 months old.
"How do you tell them apart?" Tamera asked.
"A mom just knows. Michael, however, has a hard time." Sheila laughed.
"Did I hear my name mentioned?" Michael walked in.
"Tamera, I'd like you to meet my hubby Michael." Sheila introduced.
"Nice to finally meet you." Tamera shook his hand.
"Same here. Can't tell you what a relief it is you coming all this way to help." Michael replied.
"I'll do my best." Tamera answered.
"I'm sure you will do great. Your help over the years has been remarkable. Welcome to our home and family." Michael said.
"Thank you, that means a lot to me." Tamera smiled.
"Time for you to put that degree to good use." Sheila laughed.
"Hope there's not too much dust on it. It's been 19 years since I graduated from college." Tamera replied.
"You'll do just fine. Look at all the help you've given me over the phone all these years." Sheila told her.
Tamera is to take over as the events' manager. She'll be in charge of scheduling, decorating, catering, and planning all the events held at the resort. Businesses use the club for company retreats. They also have parties, balls, and even weddings there. The weddings have a planner who takes care of the wedding decor.
It's been a month and so far Tamera has done a great job. She's a natural leader and an excellent organizer. In the month she's been here she's taken advantage of the gym. She started changing her diet and can notice a difference after only a month.
She lost 10lbs, which ok is not a lot, but it helped improve her thinking about her fluffy body. She's always been disappointed in her body since the twins. Before them she wore a size 9. The funny thing is, during her pregnancy she only gained 32 lbs. Right after birth she lost 20lbs.
But the 5 years she stayed at home with them, she saw her putting on weight. At 225lbs she was disgusted with her weight. Make that 215lbs now.
"Okay don't freak out, but the cast of Changed will be checking in!!" Sheila said.
Changed is a TV series that Tamera loves and has watched for years, multiple times. Her big time crush is on one of the actors.
"OMG OMG OMG!" Tamera freaked.
"I said don't freak!!" Sheila said.
"I need to breathe! I can't believe I'll get to meet them!!!" Tamera smiled.
"I know right!" Sheila said.
"But wait, several of them live here, so why are they checking in?" She asked.
"Well, they are having a casting party to celebrate the season end. They'll watch all of their episodes they just recorded. You'll need to set them up with everything they need." Sheila explained.
"Okay, I may actually pass out when I meet them." Tamera took a breath.
"You will be fine." Sheila said.
"I have been a fan for 4 years now." Tamera responded.
"Maybe your crush will look your way!" Sheila yelled.
"Please! He's a hot, talented 26 year old, s*xy, gorgeous actor who probably has tons of girls falling at his feet! I'm a plump 37 year old with 2 18 year old kids, and recently divorced. There is absolutely no freaking way on this earth he would give me the time of day." Tamera explained.
"Never say never." Sheila said.
"Never! Not gonna happen." Tamera responded.
"The director will meet with you at 10am this Friday. He'll go over what they need." Sheila said.
"And everyone will check in the following Friday. So you'll only have a week to get it set up." Sheila said.
"Okay. Not much time, so hopefully we have everything we need already. I hope this director is not a major pain to work with." Tamera said.
"No, he's great and not too bad to look at. He's also single, as is your crush." Sheila said.
"I will be a complete professional. Even if I'm exploding inside!!" Tamera replied.
"I have no doubts. You'll be just fine." Sheila reassured her.
Chapter 2 Meeting the Director
The week passed quickly. Friday is finally here, and it's time to meet the director. Tamera is nervous as can be. She skipped breakfast, fearing her nervous stomach embarrassing her.
There was a knock on her office door. She gets up and opens it. The guy standing there is hot. Mid 30's, smiling brightly and totally checking her out.
Tamera is 37, a little overweight, but a beautiful person inside and out. Due to her weight, she lacks confidence in herself and doesn't realize her true beauty.
"Mr.Smith, welcome, please come in. (Holds out her hand for him to shake it.)" Tamera said.
Richard Smith, the director, takes her hand and kisses the back of it.
"The pleasure is all mine." Richard said.
"Please take a seat and let's go over what you need." Tamera said.
"Thank you, Tamera." Richard grinned.
They discuss everything he will need for the week his crew will be here.
"Okay, well, I'm pretty sure we can accommodate your needs. I'l