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Fated Mate to The Alpha

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Meet the runt of the Pack, Nadia Anderson. Runts are often cared for and protected in packs. But this wasn't the case for Nadia. She had more scars than she would have liked, and everyone in her pack hated her, even going as far as beating her. All for being born basically. To make matters worse her parents left the pack and haven't been heard from since. Meet Hudson Carter the cruellest Alpha of the Blood Moon pack. Everyone fears him he's taken over more packs in his area than any other alpha & recruited them to his pack. The pack everyone knew not to step foot into. Hudson's only rule he stood by was to never disrespect a girl, a rule his beloved mother told him to live by. Amidst all of his power and viciousness he finds his mate, what will he do when he finds out his pack has broken his sacred rule towards his mate.


Beauty Queen

Review after half of the novel

Fated mate to the alpha is a must read book for everyone, I surely will recommend to my besties who are also on the app. Its mind blowing 🤯🤯, the plots and twists are captivating. It's just a page turner, because I for one couldn't stop. The author sure knows what to do. The story line was somewhat Strang initially as how couldn't he know someone was been bullied right under his nose, and as the moon goddess will have it she chose to save her by becoming his mate, and OMG is the delish, more knowledge dearest author 😍❤️🥰

August 28, 2024

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