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Enslaved To The Ruthless Mafia

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"Don't touch me, I'm not your wh*r*," I spat out through clenched teeth, my eyes turning red from anger. He smirked and lifted a hand to my hair. I flinched as he did that and averted my eyes from his. "Now listen bella. . ." he said slowly, a cruel expression on his face. I tried to bite back the moan of pain that almost escaped my lips. "I f*ck*ng own you and I can spank that pretty *ss of yours so hard that it'll bruise. . ." He paused briefly and continued, "And you won't do a thing about it because I'll make you scream so hard that you'll beg to be my wh*r*." *** When Arianna is sold off as a s*x slave to an auction house she realizes that her life would never be the same again. To make it worse, she is bought and given to the ruthless mafia king, Gabriele Andino. He is cruel, dangerous, unfeeling, and undeniably the sexiest man Arianna has ever seen. Despite the fact she should hate her master, there's something in her that yearns for his touch. So much that she would be willing to be his s*x slave. A DARK ROMANCE WITH TRIGGERING SCENES!


Amber Bell

Review after half of the novel

I am enjoying this book, it’s dark but creative. Bella is shown in a powerful light and is a powerful independent woman that knows what she wants. The boom is very intense and keeps you drawn in and wanting more. Descriptions given within the novel make you feel you are there and it sets a impressive scene. This book chapter by chapter, has left me wanting more and more. I can’t wait to see what the ending has to offer

May 23, 2024

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