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Bullied By My Alpha Stepbrother

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"I'm about to c*m in your smart little mouth and you're going to swallow all of it. Do you understand?" He didn't let me answer, holding my head in place as his c*m filled my mouth. He waited until I had swallowed every drop before he released me and I fell to the bed, sobbing. Zipping himself up, he stalked to the door, then paused and turned to smirk at me. "Don't even bother to tell anyone about this. Or you and your mother will suffer. And get ready, because this is just the beginning." *** Jasmine Scott is an omega, a nobody. Born in the slums and living with her struggling, single mom, she is an outcast at her school. Until her mom gets married to the alpha. Relieved that her status has been elevated, Jasmine is glad to be part of the alpha’s family except that Hardin Scott, the alpha’s gorgeous son is out to torment her. Hardin hates Jasmine. She might be his step-sister but she is no blood of his. He knows she is a gold-digger out to get his father’s money and for that she must be punished. But what happens when he starts lusting after his step-sister? Hardin craves for a taste of his step-sister's body and he won’t stop until his sensual mark is branded on her skin.


Tomi Lovejoy

Review after half of the novel

As some who was has dealt with SA, I have very mixed emotions on this but I do know for sure that I 100% hate Lisa. She is the cause of so many issues among other things. I’m struggling to keep reading because of my own stuff but this is a good book. Just maybe not for someone who’s been through SA. I do hope things get better for Jazz and that Hardin also realizes that he is his own worst enemy. I’ll just have to keep reading to find out tho. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

March 26, 2024

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