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A Weekend With The Alpha

  • 👁 28.5K
  • 9.1
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He rose and moved towards me, my heart picking up its pace with every step he took. His hand stroked the side of my face, causing a tingle to rush through me and I shivered at his touch just like earlier. He leaned in and his breath fanned over my face, hot, weakening, and mind-numbing. "You should be running, Zera," he said with a voice so raw it made me shudder against him. "The most sensible thing to do is run from someone like me." "I don't want to run." I stubbornly stated, worn out with his long game. It wasn't helping anyone. He wanted me, I could see that, and I wanted him too. His nose rubbed against mine, and he moved his forehead against mine. "Oh darling, but you should. I won't be like those little boys you've been with. I won't stop when you want me to. I won't stop until I'm completely buried in your mind and soul. You will belong to me."



Review after half of the novel

Love the plot. Simple yet complex. The characters are very different and they all have different personalities. The interesting part is how an alpha can be getting weak just because he is without a child. Yet the child is there and the fact that he is still weak is not making sense. I don’t quite understand some things as this book is not your regular werewolf story, and yet it is compelling and interesting to read the story all together.

March 28, 2024

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