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A mark of the snowflake. Omen of hope

  • Genre: Werewolf
  • Author: S.E.A.
  • Chapters: 62
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 702
  • 9.7
  • 💬 23


This is a story about different people who are bound together by fate. On their long journey to break the eternal seal of the moon goddess, their paths cross and hidden secrets begin to reveal themselves. Only fate and their inner strength will show if the sacred mate bond is strong enough to overcome the obstacles that keep popping up on their path and unlock the door to the other part of themselves.

Chapter 1 – Escape

When I woke up, I felt a little dizzy. I tried to lift my hand to rub my throbbing head, but I was stopped by cold metal chains on my wrists that restricted my movements. The chains were connected to the similar chains around my ankles. A sudden pain of burning skin shot through my body, instantly making me wide awake. Silver... I didn’t ‘t feel the burning when I was unconscious, but I could feel the damage to my body. Bloody hell! How did I get into this mess...? I should have known better to never trust anyone again. I leaned back against the wall to rest my head and think about an escape plan, but my mind drifted back to the past...

I can hardly remember what the good feelings felt like. Even though I was born into a loving family in the small pack ruled by my father. I remember the smiling faces of our pack members and the warmth in my mum‘s eyes. In every little house in our pack, everyone could feel at home – it was that cosy. Everyone was friendly and helpful. At least that‘s how I remember it. Everything was going well until one of the neighbouring packs decided to ruin it. I don‘t remember much of the attack because I was still little when it happened. One late evening, I was woken up by screaming. The most important word I heard in every sentence was ROGUES. I knew what it meant, but I hoped that our pack warriors would manage to protect their people and their home. Too late, I realised that I had been wrong in many ways.

Right now, I can feel nothing but sadness and loss, because my world has changed drastically. Well, not feeling exactly, because I can’t feel almost anything because of my spell, but my feelings are still in those memories.

I shook my head and tried to come to my senses. I didn‘t understand why these thoughts were bothering me now. I hadn‘t thought about my past for a few years. I suspect that the recent betrayal I experienced was the trigger. But I don‘t have time to think about these things now – I need to escape from this place.

I may not be the strongest werewolf, but I‘m not stupid and I have the gift, which is usually quite handy.

As werewolves, we have many gifts given to us by the moon goddess: better hearing, speed, better eyesight and faster reflexes. But some of us are also blessed with special talents to control or create fire, water, ice, earth, wind and much more that I probably don‘t know about. I‘ve only met one person who has such a gift, and that's the alpha of my pack. Ohh, I mean my former pack, since I no longer have a pack. Alpha Jared from my former Silver Mist pack has the gift of immunity. This means that he is resistant to all kinds of special talents and you can only fight him physically, which is not an option since he is very strong. And since he's one of the strongest wolves I‘ve ever encountered, I wasn‘t prepared for this kind of event. I was knocked unconscious so he could fulfil his promise to Alpha Daniel of the Red Fang pack. Well, to him it was a promise and to me it was betrayal. It wasn't what I had planned for this meeting... He sold me out for a false peace and a partnership with that filthy Alpha. Of course, I didn‘t willingly agree, and that's how I ended up where I am now...

Alpha Daniel acted lascivious towards me from the beginning, but I ignored him, thinking it would pass with time. Not only did he act that way, but you could immediately see in his eyes the nasty things he wanted to do to you. I’ve heard some rumours about how he treats the girls in his pack, and none of them were good. As an alpha, he's not bad looking: a blond guy with cold grey eyes, not very muscular, but taller than an average man his age. He has a few deep scars on his neck that look like someone tried to kill him a few times, but unfortunately, he‘s still alive.

I‘m glad we haven‘t meet up with their pack very often, so it felt normal for someone as important as an alpha to not try too hard to get someone who isn't interested in you. Especially when there are plenty of women dropping to their knees to please him, even if they know about the rumours surrounding him. I guess the desire to be chosen as his Luna is greater than their own safety for most of them, or it could be that some just don‘t believe it could be true. Either way, apparently that wasn‘t the case with me. He was fixated on me, which wasn‘t good, and I didn‘t realise his obsession until it was too late.

As soon as someone realises I‘m awake... I don‘t even want to think about it... I concentrated and listened to my surroundings for a while to find out how many guards were now keeping watch. There were only two guards, if you discount the sound of footsteps on the stairs. I'd been in this pack's territory a few times before. If they haven‘t changed anything, there should be a way out of here. There are usually two to four warriors patrolling the perimeter every two miles, except on the north side. That makes sense, because it would be foolish to flee to that side. A mile from the border, you can either die by jumping off a cliff or try your luck in the mountains, which are surrounded by sharp rocks and are about 10 miles long. Still... It‘s probably my best chance, even though I know whose territory starts behind the mountains. I‘d rather die trying to escape than let Alpha-Daniel take me to his bed. Who knows what nasty things are going on in his head... I could say I‘m saving myself for my mate, but I don‘t think I could ever trust anyone again, and even if I could, the magic I carry probably wouldn‘t let me find him.

I didn‘t sense any magic emanating from the chains, so I decided to try my luck. I rarely used my gift, so few people knew I had it. That‘s a good thing, because that's the main reason why no one chained me with a magic seal chains. I placed my hand on the chain and sent energy into my fingertips as I felt the cold air around my burning wrists. I watched as ice formed over the chains and sank into them. Then I tapped the chain twice with my fingers and it shattered into small ice cubes that covered the ground around me. I froze at the sound and listened to see if anyone reacted. Luckily, the guards had been joking about something and laughing far too loudly. I sighed and stood up slowly. I didn‘t have much energy left as I hadn‘t eaten or drunk anything in almost two days. I wouldn‘t have known I‘d been unconscious for more than a day if I hadn‘t listened to the guards ramble on about what had happened. Besides, the silver has weakened my body and it takes a lot of energy to use ice magic. Nevertheless, I still have enough energy to use my ice magic about four more times.

I slowly walked to the prison bars and froze the lock. As I tapped on it to break it, I held my hand underneath so it wouldn‘t make too much noise when it fell to the ground. I quietly placed the fallen ice cubes on the floor and walked out of the cell. I crept through the corridor and up the stairs towards the guard post. I paused for a moment, took a deep breath and stepped around the corner to show myself. They noticed me immediately and jumped up from their seats, but before they could attack, I let loose two balls of iced water that turned into blocks of ice around them as soon as they came into contact with their bodies. I knew it wouldn‘t kill them or even harm them if they melted fast enough. All I needed now was time to escape. I walked quickly to the door and peeked outside. It was already dark, and I couldn‘t spot any other pack members nearby. It‘s a good thing they have this building far away from the pack house and the pack members' huts. And I'm very glad they underestimated me so much. I smile tiredly to myself and step outside. I took one last look around as a precaution and then ran as fast as I could towards the northern border. I knew it was the only way and that it was risky, but I had to try.

As soon as I reached the forest, I looked again to make sure I wasn't being followed. After making sure I was still alone, I took off my clothes and shifted into my wolf. I took my clothes, folded them into a sort of small ball, grabbed it with my teeth and started running again. I could sense that my wolf was uneasy because she could feel my physical state, but I knew that this was our only way out. She knew it too and that's why she didn't put up much resistance. The strange thing is that we can‘t communicate with our wolves, we can only sense their feelings. And I know my wolf is weakened by silver too, but I really have no choice.

In my last pack class, I learnt that 200 years ago our fellow wolves were able to communicate with their wolves. The same way we can communicate in our pack – through a mind link. Unfortunately, after the Third Great War, one of the werewolf generations broke a law of sorts when they tried to completely subdue the essence of their wolves and steal their power to use only in human form. This is impossible for a normal werewolf, but with the help of a very strong witch, it became possible. As soon as the news spread, the number of werewolves who wanted to perform the rituals increased until it finally rose massively. No one respected the wolves as beings anymore, everyone just wanted their power. They no longer felt that their wolf was a part of their soul. They just wanted to get rid of them, as if they were a piece of rubbish. I read that on the day of the red lunar eclipse, a silhouette of the moon goddess appeared. She could only be seen by werewolves, and all werewolves around the world saw her. At that time, the restriction of any contact with our wolves was placed and sealed. I also know that the only contact we still have with our wolves is our emotions and that it is even more difficult to control or reject them when it comes to sacred laws. I don‘t really know what "harder" means as I've never had any problems with it. I guess one of them is the mate bond. I've never come into contact with any of these sacred laws, so I don‘t know if all the stories and tales are true. In fact, I don't even want to know... I hope the moon goddess hasn't mated me with someone. The only thing I wish I could change is this crappy restriction. I wish I could communicate with my wolf. I might even have chosen a different path for myself if I had someone so close to me in my hardest times.

The wind was getting colder and colder, and I was glad that I had shifted into my wolf and that my fur could keep me warm as I ran. My wolf, although I can't get to know her character, is mesmerizingly beautiful on the outside. She is a large white wolf with sky blue fur on her paws and chest. I am very proud to have such a wonderful companion and I can feel her happiness whenever I think about it. Sometimes I wonder if she is happy about the compliments or if she could also be happy to have me? Even though I don't think someone can be happy being with a cold-hearted person like me. But still... I shook my head to distract myself from these thoughts.

I ran as fast as I could through the forest, but it wasn‘t enough. Soon I felt a presence behind me. Although it was still far away, it was coming closer and closer at a fast pace. I guessed it had to be at least the Beta or even the Alpha himself, which would be bad news...

Chapter 2 – Mountains

I knew it wasn't far until I would cross the border, so I quickened my pace too. I ran as fast as I could. I was glad that the adrenaline served as extra energy, because I didn't have much of my own left. The next moment I thought I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye, but when I turned my head to take a closer look, there was nothing there. I looked behind me and saw two wolves running through the forest to catch me. I didn't recognise either of them, and that was because I didn't know many members of Daniels' pack. Besides, they‘re too late, I just crossed the border, and they shouldn't be following me because I'm neither a criminal nor a rogue. Well, I might be wrong about the second statement, as I no longer have a pack after I was sold. Still, I wasn‘t sure if they'd try to follow me to the cliff, so I didn‘t slow down. Rule breakers are to be expected from this pack. I ran until I reached the first hill and looked up. WOW, this is going to be tough... I quickly shifted ba

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