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Wedded To The Ruthless Mafia Boss

  • 👁 15.9K
  • 5.9
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As a repayment of her father's debt, Darian Dawson asked for Lena's hand in marriage. Darian is a ruthless man, the next in line to the Dawson family mafia. Lena is a normal girl from the westside of London, a fresh university graduate who is looking forward to having a good life with her best friend until Darian showed up, completely ruining her plans, possessing her and taking full control of her life.



Review after half of the novel

This one so far has been an easy read. Nothing too crazy but enough to keep you guessing . I’m not sure how I feel about the girls attitude yet, almost too immature for my liking , but I’m curious to see how it will progress. I always do like a dominant male role so this one could be a little more aggressive in that matter but it’s still again too early to see how this will go . Looking forward to it !

September 28, 2024

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