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My Unexpected Mate

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  • 8.9
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In a world ravaged by fear and violence, humanity wages a merciless war against supernatural beings. Gabriel, a brooding warlock haunted by the loss of his family, embraces a life devoid of love while honing his magical skills and evading the inquisitors. His only companion is his loyal friend, Nick. Aria, a beautiful witch unaware of her powers, is forced to flee her destroyed village and seeks help in the city. Her path intertwines with Gabriel's, but who are they to each other? As their kind faces imminent destruction, they must find each other in time to save themselves and preserve their future. Will they overcome their pasts and unite against the encroaching darkness? Their journey will test their strength and reveal the power of love amidst chaos.



Review after the novel completion

It worth the reading. As a fan of the trilogy "True Luna", I must be honest that I expected much more of this one. However it doesn't even compare. But this book was really nice and it really worthy reading it. I hope noe thay it would have the sequences of different caracters like Jake, Cassie, Annie or even Gabriel. Would love to know how they moved on with their lifes after and going through college also. It would be very interesting.

April 9, 2024

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