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Best Romance Novels

It Started With One-Night Stand

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"I limit our relationship to one-night passion. I have no need to bring you into my life." --- In an attempt to forget her lost love, Serena makes a passionate one-night stand with a stranger in Monaco. One night, one decision, one agreement, and one haunting memory. But as fate would have it, destiny has its own plans. The man who shared that passionate night turns out to be the CEO of her new workplace. Can Serena resist when passion and love conspire? Wait until she gets caught up in this unexpected tale of passion and intrigue. Serena and the CEO's lives will never be the same.


Gillian O'Connor

Review after half of the novel

Very hot and steamy seens between the characters love the connection and storyline can't wait to read more. Just wish they would admit to each other that they love each other, but the sex is out of this world and goes on for hours, how she is able to walk the next day is beyond be you think she would be like a puddle on the floor. I love the relationship between her and Sarah and her flat mates nothing is secret between them

June 22, 2024

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