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It Started With One-Night Stand Reviews



Review after half of the novel

Loving the book so far 🥰 Couldn’t stop reading it. Can’t wait to know how’s it going to be hopefully it won’t get too complicated. Hopefully it worth my time and my coins hahaha. So far loving all the characters. But I wish Leopold be more open up, instead of keep all to himself however I understand why his character is like that. So far the flow of the story is good 👍🏼 can’t wait to know the ending of the story.

July 3, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Sarena really love dick yhoo! Every chance she get, she goes after Mr Léopold poor guy😆 he can't even catch a break I'm starting to think they are going to date Sarena will fall in love and it won't be good or what if onother girl arrives and fall in love with Mr Léopold? I don't think Serena will take that well but let wait and see because its also seems like Mr Léopold has already fell in love with Serena it's only a matter of time before they start dating officially.

June 29, 2024


Review after half of the novel

This book has good characters. Leopold is a strong man full of muscles and sounds quite stoic. Serena has come alive since meeting Leopold and starting at the new company. She steps out of her own shadow and persues what she wants. Leopold is a tease but it is understandable that he doesn't want to get too serious with Serena after what his ex wife did to him. I hope that there is a potential for a future for them.

June 25, 2024

Gillian O'Connor

Review after half of the novel

Very hot and steamy seens between the characters love the connection and storyline can't wait to read more. Just wish they would admit to each other that they love each other, but the sex is out of this world and goes on for hours, how she is able to walk the next day is beyond be you think she would be like a puddle on the floor. I love the relationship between her and Sarah and her flat mates nothing is secret between them

June 22, 2024

Kendall Parker

Review after half of the novel

If the he j n g j n h h h h g i h h j h h h h h h h h. H hh h h h h. H h hh. H hh h hh. Hh. Hh j h h. Hi j h h h h h h h h. H h h h bb. Bb. Jk I I I u u u. H h h h h h h h h hh. H h h h h hh h

April 19, 2024


Review after half of the novel

I Like it. Looks like the autor keeps in mind how to entertain us and how to make us want more and more. Chapters are long enough to make us interested in what happens next, and the story just flows, nothing is too much to get bored. Characters seem to be complex and that also makes the story great. For me, it's super fun to read this kind of stories, and i'm like a reading novels freak. Special thnks to the author!

April 16, 2024

Sherry Redman

Review after the novel completion

This book is absolutely amazing it keeps you on your toes wondering what is going to happen next. It had an excellent story plot I definitely recommend reading. It does have a lot of sex in it but that didn’t bother one bit. Was glad her father finally turned around at the end because he was what I’d call a dick head. I hated her step mom too she was a real bitch. But in the end her fairy tale came true.

April 16, 2024

Linda Kristensen Tomren

Review after the novel completion

Really good story, a lot is happening, all the normal feelings we human can have, and how to be real and honest! The description on things that happens are really good, and thats some of whars makes the story sooo damn good. Anbefaler alle å lese denne boka, den gjør noe med deg. Og det bruser i kroppen. Man klarer ikke å legge den fra seg. Som sagt - veldig bra skrevet.the author has a reallly good way of writing!

April 1, 2024


Review after half of the novel

Um So good! Had me hooked the entire time! Story telling was done very well. The characters were very detailed out. The dialog between them was so good, the bickering and hits were fun to read into. The entire book was not dragged out like other books. Which was a huge plus for me. Kept you hooked and wanting to continue to read on. Which I was very much willing to do. Hope there's more books from this author to read!

March 28, 2024


Review after half of the novel

I really enjoy the story. I like the characters and how the author keeps revealing more and more about them and their past. I really feel for Serena. She is so tenderhearted and is trying to be tough, but I feel like she's already fallen for Leo. I hope for her sake Leo starts to express himself more and feels the same as she does. They both are looking for love and seem like they have found it, but both are too blind or stubborn to seize it.

March 23, 2024