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Best Romance Novels

In Love With the Monster

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He pressed a sharp knife into the small of my back making me freeze in fear instantly, afraid to even breathe too loud. “Didn’t I say warn you not to make a sound?" He snarled as his eyes blazed with fury. His voice a low, menacing baritone “Make one more sound and I promise you, that’ll be your last.” he threatened, pressing the knife harder into my skin. I whimpered in agony. Alexis a 24 years old fresh graduate follows her dream of moving into a new city to her aunt's old house, to get a good life for herself. Unknown to her, the house which reportedly had been empty for the past ten years is being occupied by a strange man with a dark aura who takes her hostage as soon as she walks in. In order to survive and also protect her loved ones, she must do everything he says. Of all the crazy and confusing things that's happening to her, one question she can't seem to answer is why she's slowly falling for her kidnapper.



Review after half of the novel

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March 6, 2024

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