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His Symphony

  • Genre: Romance
  • Author: HFPerez
  • Chapters: 43
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 1.8K
  • 5.7
  • 💬 0


She has no memory of him. Yet she dreams of him. The mind might forget but the heart will always remember. All his thoughts were of her. The beloved that he once left to save from himself. Too long have they waited. Too long have they suffered in silence. Will love conquers all when all has been forgotten? Their journey to love and forever proved to be difficult. Lies and betrayals could cost them more than they could ever comprehend. Could he still claim her after leaving her with a broken heart and no memories of their time together? Will his beloved accept him back in her life after he rejected her?



Review after the novel completion

This book is great,just like the rest of your books,but what really annoys me is the fact that you just end your story without telling us if there'll be other books coming out,so at least we would know what happens at the end..what's the need of reading the 3books of the kings series,when at the end of each book,you won't tell us anything,the end just feels like we haven't really read anything at all..why not join the books together and leave it as ongoing,instead of separating the books when one book has less than 50 chapters and in each book,the status is written as completed but it's far from complete, I'm really angry,the fact that this books came out like 2years or more in other novel apps and you haven't said anything about completing it yet or writing about lucifer and indali's book and Esme's book..I'm pretty sure Esme has a book too and her mate is lucifer's brother"the white angel",because if she doesn't I wonder how this book will end,because I feel like in lucifer's book,the angel of death is going to be completely freed and also lucifer's twin brother will be freed,because as you said,only the white angel can defeat the angel of death,which is why indali's life is In more danger and she'll have to sacrifice a lot more that the queens..and also I feel like the angel of death Is trying to bring esme to his side because she's a formidable foe,and he wants her for himself,to be his queen..but I'm pretty sure her mate is lucifer's twin brother..because it was said in"silverhand"that esmeralda is pure that she has lived for centuries and is over 1,000years,but her mate is an angel who will decend from heaven,but he isn't here yet..why?because he's been imprisoned by angel,of,death..and,only,indali,can,free,both,the,angel,of,death,and,"the,white,angel"(lucifer's,twin,brother)..

July 28, 2024

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