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Entangled With Adonis Klaus

  • 👁 22.9K
  • 7.5
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A smooth ride into the last year of high school was all nineteen-year-old Ruby Powers wished to have. But life doesn't go the way we want it to, does it? A truth about her life was revealed, then nude images of her were widespread across the school after the mysterious death of a student. And while Ruby was figuring out the truth behind everything, the gorgeous new teacher, Adonis Klaus had his eyes set on her. Little did she know that she would get intimately entangled with Adonis Klaus and her whole world would be turned upside down in a way she could have never imagined...


Tabatha Nichols

Review after half of the novel

I am very impressed with the characters and the way the book is written. I can’t wait to continue on this journey as I’m am fully enthralled with the journey of the characters. Keep up the great work and I will continue on the journey with the characters as I loose myself in the book while reading. Everyone and everything in life disappears while I read and that is wonderful. Looking forward to the rest of the book!

January 25, 2024

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