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Don's Darling Worth Killing For

  • 👁 12.7K
  • 5.5
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Goldie, who never believed in happy endings, thought her life with Salvatore was going to be a happy ending, especially after the hell she'd managed to escape, but the gates of hell has opened wide and it looks like there's no stopping the monsters who have come for her. With her stepfather wanting to marry her off, two fiances claiming to have her and a friend who wants her dead, can her happily ever after survive the twisted cat and mouse chase or will it become another casualty for unending war between the DeMarcos and the Falcones? This is the continuation of the book One Night with the Mafia Don.



Review after the novel completion

I enjoyed this read, it was hard to stop reading and ended up purchasing way too many chapters. The time between reads was quite frustrating though and wasn’t keen to spend that much money getting through it any quicker. I thought the characters were good and the storyline kept me guessing a bit but really wanted to see Calista be a badass. I kind of wanted to know the fate of some of the other characters in the story.

August 12, 2024

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