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Bullied by the Badboy

  • 👁 60.6K
  • 7.3
  • 💬 0


Tessa is the picture perfect student with good grades, flawless attendance and a charming smile. With one year left to graduate high school and a bucket list imposed by her best friend, her goal is pretty much the same with an extra addition--tick off every item on the cursed bucket list. But trouble comes knocking in the form of blue eyes, muscled body and an ego the size of her head. What happens when the school's bad boy, Benjamin notices her in a boxing ring?



Review after half of the novel

This novel is really good. The characters remind me of me and my friends from high school. It shows how cruel some people can be. High school is confusing enough without the drama. I think Ben wants to be Tessa’s friend but he is afraid of what people will think. That in itself can fuel lives to do the wrong thing. I hope that one day he realizes how great Tessa is. I love the letters in the book! It adds just enough mystery and sweetness. It’s like she had a penpal, someone she can be honest with. I can’t wait to read the rest of it!

April 20, 2024

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