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Bullied by the Badboy Reviews


Barbi Duffy

Review after half of the novel

I am liking this book so far some parts are really bothering me though. First of all Tessa is supposed to bed this big bad like MMA fighter in underground fighting which is a sport that basically has no rules. So we all know she can fight. Why doesn't she just throw caution to the wind when it comes to Olivia bullying her and best her then she won't be bullied anymore. Like every time she talks about a fight that she was in she had won that fight so I just want her to do the same for the people that are making her life miserable. And secondly the whole situation with Ben you already beat him in a fight once so why are you so afraid of him when you already know how to take him down.

December 6, 2024


Review after the novel completion

This book was just really amazing the characters were fantastic just beyond words I really enjoy stories like these it was just wow..amazing and just plain awesome lml I have like no words I really loved the book like wonderful job 100% can’t wait to read more books just like this and I highly recommend to read this one because you will not be disappointed at all!!! I’m glad for a happy ending it was beautiful and lovely story telling!!!!❤️❤️❤️

November 20, 2024

Trina Bembry

Review after the novel completion

I really like the book at first Ben was a bully, but he got his act together. I understand why he was a bully. I mean, that was a rough going through that as a child I wouldn’t wish that nobody but once he started calling her Gracie and they got together. They had a couple fights and that big one, but Olivia was all in their business. I like to know what happened to her Really good book. I enjoyed it.

November 11, 2024

Nellie Clugey

Review after half of the novel

I love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love itI love it

November 9, 2024

Kristina Sparks

Review after half of the novel

I really like this book so far. see how it will end. I am seeing if Joel was lying toI really like this book so far. see how it will end. I am seeing if Joel was lying toI really like this book so far. see how it will end. I am seeing if Joel was lying toI really like this book so far. see how it will end. I am seeing if Joel was lying to

October 1, 2024

Gilda Hensley

Review after half of the novel

I hope she gets together with Ben I do not like the mean girl Olivia I hope that she beats her up and beats up Noah and hopefully she be nice and invite him for Thanksgiving since his mom's not around in his dad is dead it's an interesting book so hopefully it gets better and they end up being together or she find somebody better than he is that will make her happy I think Mr let is ben

September 27, 2024


Review after half of the novel

The only way way I I could could be be to to the the other other way way I I can can you you know know that that I I can can you you have have to to do do that that is is that that I have a a little more more money money I I can can I I have to to get get the other other things things like like the the other other thing thing I

September 22, 2024


Review after half of the novel

I love it ! It is progressing very well . The connections between the characters and also the way everything is described is great . I highly recommend this book ! It is very sweet but aggravating because some of the characters are a holes but that is what makes a book good . I can’t wait to see the end but I don’t want it to end either . I also love how the parents are open and supportive ! Plus a bonus is a brave and understanding friend …

September 9, 2024

baby jessica

Review after half of the novel

So far the book has been pretty good it has a very full start kind of I wonder if Ben likes her I feel like he's let but the book has been very good the character have chemistry it seems like I have enjoyed the read so far I honestly thought like maybe her fighting was going to be in it more but apparently that's like just like a Side Story for her but it's been good easy to stay focused on

September 2, 2024


Review after half of the novel

The novel is super good so far!! I like how it shows how she is finally figuring out her feelings for Ben and how she actually feels about him. I also like how it seems like Ben does like her but he tries to act more nonchalant about his feelings for her but deep down he actually does like her a lot. Also I love bens little brother he helped in they’re development. I can’t wait to see how this story ends!!

June 20, 2024