Bullied by the Badboy
- Genre: Romance
- Author: Maramartha
- Chapters: 139
- Status: Completed
- Age Rating: 18+
- 👁 62.3K
- ⭐ 7.7
- 💬 0
Tessa is the picture perfect student with good grades, flawless attendance and a charming smile. With one year left to graduate high school and a bucket list imposed by her best friend, her goal is pretty much the same with an extra addition--tick off every item on the cursed bucket list. But trouble comes knocking in the form of blue eyes, muscled body and an ego the size of her head. What happens when the school's bad boy, Benjamin notices her in a boxing ring?
Barbi Duffy
I am liking this book so far some parts are really bothering me though. First of all Tessa is supposed to bed this big bad like MMA fighter in underground fighting which is a sport that basically has no rules. So we all know she can fight. Why doesn't she just throw caution to the wind when it comes to Olivia bullying her and best her then she won't be bullied anymore. Like every time she talks about a fight that she was in she had won that fight so I just want her to do the same for the people that are making her life miserable. And secondly the whole situation with Ben you already beat him in a fight once so why are you so afraid of him when you already know how to take him down.
December 6, 2024