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Bonded To Sin

  • 👁 14.8K
  • 7.5
  • 💬 0


Sin, a manipulative, flirty demon king who is determined to get what he wants and what he wants is her. Amaya, a fiery beauty who tries to blend into the background and fails as two men are drawn to her and fight to make her theirs. Lazarus, a socially awkward, and abused demon wants to break free of his mother's grasp and be free to be with the woman he loves. In a fight for a throne and a debt needing to be repaid the three are thrown into an age-long feud between demons and goddesses as they fight to right the mistakes of the past.



Review after half of the novel

Never fails! Every chapter has a new information I definitely did not see coming! If there were bets in the outcome of novel relationships I would be putting my money on Sin. I seriously detest Lazy and wish Helle ore would disappear and I wish Din would discover what she is. Anywho the novel is written really well and it leaves little to be desired this far. I'm on the edge of my breath constantly waiting for the outcome of each panic inducing event!

February 1, 2024

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