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Best Romance Novels


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Riley Keynes a twenty eight year old ex lieutenant,forced to quit her work following the suspicious death of her younger sister finds herself stuck in her hometown with nothing to do except trying to get along with her older sister who can't seem to take care of herself let alone take care of the business she put up for them. She already has too much on her plate including some new evidence that her sister's accident wasn't really an accident and the addition of a very determined and dangerously handsome stranger who she wants to avoid in every possible way but can't deny that she is very attracted to him isn't something she is sure she can handle even though he might just be the person who helps her figure out what really happened to her sister. When Sean Woody arrives in this new town after having left his home to get away from his controlling father,he wasn't planning on spending a night in jail but that night might just be the turning point of his life. There he meets the attractive and independent Riley Keynes and his plans to keep going are paused,not only because he wants to help investigate the death of her sister but also because he isn't ready to go without at least getting to solve the mystery behind those eyes, the force that makes his heart ache from every contact they make which is something he hadn't felt for anyone in all his life,let alone a complete stranger. They might have met by coincidence but what if this is just what they needed to make something beautiful out of their lives?



Review after half of the novel

I absolutely love this story! The characters are complex but very likable. I love how the stories intertwine and there are some great surprises and revelations that you don’t see coming! I am always ready to get to the next chapter to see what will happen and am never disappointed when I do. I hope the conclusion has been just a as good as the rest of the book. This would make a great mini series to be honest! I’d watch it.

April 13, 2024

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