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My Possessive Vampires

  • 👁 35.9K
  • 9.0
  • 💬 0


"Sonja is a down on her luck waitress. Her bills keep climbing and she's stuck in an embarrassing job with no way to escape. She gets a letter from one Jasper Bright. He demands she come to see him that very night. There's only one problem, Sonja has no idea who he is. Her boss has been acting very strange lately. Ever since she received that letter he's been almost possessive, but that couldn't possibly be true, right? But these men are holding a secret of their own and when Sonja stumbles onto it, her normal everyday troubles are over and she's got a whole slew of much more worrisome ones to deal with. Just what are you supposed to do when you find yourself in the center of two possessive vampires?"



Review after the novel completion

I enjoyed the story. It took an unexpected twist ! But I liked it! ❤️ The characters were interesting and all were unique. I had no idea what to expect from any of them. I’m glad the love interest(s) worked out and the bad guys were done away with I do appreciate a good ending where the lovers or mates are able to be together in the end. I was disappointed that the hero had to sacraments so much.

April 9, 2024

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