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Bette is a closeted lesbian romance writer and she has no plans to come out anytime soon or ever despite being twenty nine years old. That however lasts up until the moment she meets Crissy Reynolds and immediately feels like she had been waiting for her to live her true self. Crissy Reynolds is thirty three years old and having gone through rough past love experiences decides the only way to find true love is by hiding her identity just so she can have a genuine shot at happiness. She does experience what she had desperately wanted, with Bette Richards. What happens when she takes too long to tell her who she really is? That she is not just a waitress at a luxurious hotel in town but the daughter of the Senator who owns the hotel?

Chapter 1

"It's so setting, so peaceful. I can see myself getting used to this," Ashley said as they drove through the countryside surrounded by beautiful trees with blossoming flowers, as if it was spring.

"We could make this a thing. Maybe after Bette goes to college. "You know, travel the world," her husband Tim suggested.

"You guys, I'm not even in high school yet but here you are making college plans!" Bette said interrupting her parent's conversation.

"Bette, it's never too early to make plans."

"It's still too early though. I'm twelve."

"You know honey, we never even went on our honeymoon, thanks to your parents," Tim went on, dismissing her remark. "What was the excuse again? That you were pregnant and the baby didn't need to experience the—"

"Baby on board Tim! She needn't hear that," Ashley interrupted him and they both laughed.

"You know I'm not five anymore, I can put two and two together and know what you are talking about," Bette said but they dismissed her.

"We could even take a vacation away from prying eyes and curious ears," Tim continued, looking at the rear view mirror and meeting Bette's eyes.

"Hey, I'm still here you know," Bette tried again.

"We know, unfortunately" Ashley said looking at Tim and added, "Or we could ship her off to boarding school right away." They both laughed at the expression in pasted on her face knowing that she felt betrayed not aware they were teasing.

Tim finally spoke, "We are joking sweetheart, would you relax? We can never do anything against your will," he paused, "That look was priceless though."

She sighed with relief, "For a moment there I thought I was becoming a burden to you."

"Never! You are our only child. How could you possibly think we could get tired of you?" Ashley said then, "We love you sweetheart."

"You are our miracle baby," Tim said.

"Maybe a miracle but not a baby anymore," she replied feigning annoyance, what she always did when her dad called her a baby.

"Hm, still a baby to us,even when you turn fifty," Ashley added smiling while her father went back to teasing.

"So, does that mean we can ship you off to boarding school?" She frowned at him which made them laugh again before he added, "We love you sweetheart."

Those are the last words she heard him say. She had formed the words, ‘I love you too’ but they never got out of her mouth. None of them had time to process what was happening. She only heard a voice, her mother's terrified voice shouting, "Look out!"

It was swallowed by the sounds of tires screeching and horns blaring, then the deafening crash and the final frightened and distant voice, her own voice calling, "Mom! Dad!"


Bette woke up with a start, the sound of the alarm clock on the table beside her bed too loud to her ears.

"Jesus! Do you want to kill my eardrums? Shut up already!" she said sleepily as she hit the silence button, tipping the clock in the process which went tumbling to the floor. "Argh!"

She groaned as she slowly got out of bed and dragged herself to the bathroom. Facing the mirror, she gasped as a disheveled, disoriented and confused look alike of her stared back with squinted eyes.

"God I hate Mondays," she murmured as she forced herself to squeeze toothpaste onto her toothbrush.

She went about the business of her morning routine silently going through the motions with no enthusiasm. This was like any other Monday, only much worse. She was hangover after spending the weekend getting wasted. She wasn't sure why she even got out of bed but she still got ready. Facing the sun, no matter how ridiculous that sounded with her condition, beat staying indoors all alone.

After showering, she poured coffee into her travel mug and took her backpack, ready to face the day, whatever it would come with. A stream of cold air swept over her body the moment she stepped outside and she shivered. It was the beginning of the cold months.

Gathering her scarf around her, she reached out to pull the door closed when something caught her eye. She jumped, a little scared but upon taking a closer look, she shook her head and laughed as she realized her own stupidity. A frightened gray and white coloured kitten stared back at her.

"Um, who are you and what are you doing on my doorstep?" The kitten looked at her helplessly and then meowed weakly. Reaching down, she scooped it up and headed back inside the house. "Oh, look at you, poor little thing. Are you cold?" she asked in a voice filled with sympathy and met a blank stare. She chuckled as she placed the kitten near the warm fireplace and poured warm milk into a bowl, placing it near him. "You better be worth it."

She stood up and watched as it licked the bowl clean and then meowed in satisfaction.

"Well, you are welcome. I only helped you because I looked at you and saw myself, weak and helpless. I might even consider taking you in as my friend if you behave," she continued with her one sided conversation but shook her head imagining what people would say if they heard her, but then smiled when the kitten circled around her and rubbed it's head against her legs warmly.

A good deed Bette, a good deed. She thought as she headed to the door, locked up, and headed to work satisfied.


It always took her twenty minutes from home to the library which she liked walking in the morning and taking a ride in the evening. The morning air was so cool and serene with birds going about the days business and the sun not blazing hot. It was no different today even with the cold July air and mist falling around, she still walked. She walked confidently into the library only stopping by the reception desk to acknowledge her two friends, Dave and Alice.

She had gone to school with Dave since kindergarten and they had grown to become friends overtime. Though they talked, laughed and made fun, they were not what one could call best friends. That title went to Alice, who she had met during her first year of college and they had clicked. There was something she had been wondering though over the past few days though. Were her two friends taking a turn in their friendship?

It was question she had started asking herself as she had noticed that their joking and bickering was turning heated and the looks in their eyes... were they ogling each other?

She shook her head as she looked between them. As usual, Alice was standing by Dave's desk chatting and smiling at whatever Dave had said to her. They both looked up as she approached.

"Good morning to you lover birds," she greeted teasingly just to see their reaction. At that, Alice blushed and looked down. There was her answer. They were totally hooking up.She smiled to herself.

"What's with the glasses Bee?" Dave asked.

"Just trying to hide my disorientation."

Alice laughed, "I can notice that even when you are ten yards away. Sunglasses or not your walking style betrayed you long ago."

"D*mn it! I forgot how well you can read me," she said spotting a smile and removing the sunglasses.

"That fake smile isn't doing you any good either," Alice went on as she moved forward to hug her.

"Oh, come on! I am trying my best here to change for once."

"Monday blues?" Dave asked.

"As always Dave. Plus a terrible hangover and a slight headache. But hopefully my extra large mug of coffee will do the trick and I will be fully functional within the hour, once I down it," she added smiling before heading to her usual position by a large window facing a great terrain outdoors. Alice followed shortly and joined her.

"So, what's going on with you?" she asked as she settled opposite her. She looked up, her cup near her mouth.

"What do you mean?" she asked even though she knew exactly what Alice was asking. She didn't know if she wanted to talk about it but she knew she would have to.

Chapter 2

"Come on Bee, I know you. Even though Mondays are always bad for you, they are not like today. You look terrible."

"Remind me again why nothing passes you by?" she asked faking a smile. "Oh yeah, you are a psychologist."

"No, that's because I'm your best friend and I don't need psychology to know that something is not right with you," Alice said then, "How did your date on Friday go?"

"Terribly!" she went on, "I wouldn't even call it a date. Half the time he spent looking at the ongoing football game on TV." Not that she really cared. It was a date she never would have accepted if Alice hadn't pushed her. "I don't even know the first thing about football."


"And that's not the worst thing. After that all he wanted was to get into my pants."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"Of course it is! I don't have s*x on a first date."

"As if you go on dates regularly," Alice scoffed. "Let me guess, you bolted and drunk yourself to sleep through o


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