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The Gentleman's Code

  • Genre: LGBTQ+
  • Author: D Fox
  • Chapters: 48
  • Status: Completed
  • Age Rating: 18+
  • 👁 2.1K
  • 7.5
  • 💬 0


"Win his trust and report to me." Lord Callum is the son of one of the world's richest men. He's also the youngest one. And with that, he was never expected to be the head of the family. Living a life of privilege and variety, he often spends his time in an unsuitable for his background company. Seeking the thrill and being easily bored with everything, he's unpredictable. Until one day Oliver- his new valet - shows up and that changes his whole life. Oliver is hired by Callum's father and the servant is supposed to report to the old Lord all of his son's actions and missteps. But something happens between Oliver and Callum that no one could have predicted.



Review after the novel completion

Great book. The cliff hanger is brutal. The story line is pretty complex and compelling, so you definitely need to pay attention to the threads from all of the different characters. It seems as though the text was possibly translated from another language because of some of the improper word usage, but it doesn’t take away from the story line. I also would have liked to see a few more sex scenes and/or for Callum and Oliver to take it a bit further. But great start overall.

July 5, 2024

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