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The abandoned kingdom

  • Genre: Fantasy
  • Author: Krysta
  • Chapters: 1
  • Status: Ongoing
  • Age Rating: 16+
  • 👁 11
  • 3.0
  • 💬 1


The kingdom was once prosperous, but now it is a derelict ruin. The last king died many years ago and no one knows how to rule the kingdom. The queen and her children live in a small part of the palace, while the rest is abandoned and filled with wild animals. One day a group of strangers arrives and decides to take over the kingdom. They force the queen and her children into hiding, but they are not able to keep the kingdom for long. The outsiders are killed, one by one, until only the queen remains.. . . .

Chapter 1

The kingdom was once prosperous, but now it is a derelict ruin. The last king died many years ago and no one knows how to rule the kingdom. The queen, Elizabeth, and her children, Isabelle and Sophie, live in a small part of the palace, while the rest is abandoned and filled with wild animals. One day a group of strangers arrives and decides to take over the kingdom. They force the queen and her children into hiding, but they are not able to keep the kingdom for long. The outsiders are killed, one by one, until only the queen remains.. She knows she must find a way out of the ruined palace if she ever wants to see her children again. Soon she will leave the palace to find her children. It's been weeks since she's seen them and nobody knows she's there. Not a single person has heard from her or even knows she's still alive. The queen and her children have a very special way of communicating, everyone in the royal family can read each other's minds, this is how they all communicate. Eventually the queen found a way out and she found her children too they were lost on the side of the road starving and the queen took them and took care of them once again.

The end. . . p.s this will not be continued i am very sorry for this.


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