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The Billionaire's Regret

  • 👁 12.8K
  • 8.4
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Ivy Morgan deeply fell in love with the business tycoon Wyatt Reed. Bound by a life debt, Wyatt married her. However, as the years passed, Wyatt never treated her as his wife. He only uses her. Knowing this, Ivy gave up that love she once felt and filed for a divorce. After the divorce, Wyatt regrets everything he had done in the past and realized how much he loves Ivy, making him coax her whatever it takes. Will Ivy acknowledge the billionaire’s regret? ... "When you left, I realized that I love you so much." --Wyatt Reed "I don't know if I can still give you a chance. You hurt me so bad." --Ivy Morgan



Review after half of the novel

I love this book I mean I’m rereading the chapters I have already unlocked just so I can wait for other chapters to unlock it. Is that good in my opinion…. It just makes me wonder what’s in store for the couple as the main characters I just want to see….. it’s like it just makes your heart ache for the main female character because of all she had to go through and only for her ex-husband to realize what she was worth

April 1, 2024

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