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BLURB: Forbidden Romance. Best Friend's Sister. Age Gap. There are a million reasons this can't work, but Dominick and Phoebe just can't help themselves Phoebe Jackson is a Law Student looking for an Internship which she got through her brother at K2 Law Firm. There, she met Dominick Kincaid, one of the founders of the Law Firm she's interning at. Dominick is grumpy, no-nonsense, sees worst in people. They hated each other on the spot and they continuously clashed, but is it truly hate? A very thin line differentiates Hate from Love. Keep reading to see them discover their Love!



Review after the novel completion

Muy atrapada. Me encanta me encanta me encanta. La leí en un día, no puedo esperar a que agreguen mas capítulos. Que pasara con la historia de dom? Que pasara con ella? Misterio romance traiciones abandonó abuso todo lo que tiene que tener una historia para atraparte. Espero que desarrollen en la historia de ella, siento que tienen que contar más. No puedo esperar más! Tendré que seguir esperando para poder saber cómo va a terminar. Mejor imposible! A leer!!

March 27, 2024

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