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Best Romance Novels



Penni Nippert

Review after the novel completion

The novel started out sorta boring but the longer I read it, it got better. I was glad her brother accepted her relationship with Dominic. That would have led to a different spin on the book. I love how they are trying to hide their relationship but I’m sure things might start changing. Them sneaking around makes this more interesting too because it adds a little spice when they sneak time together here, and sneak a little time there!

April 7, 2024


Review after the novel completion

Muy atrapada. Me encanta me encanta me encanta. La leí en un día, no puedo esperar a que agreguen mas capítulos. Que pasara con la historia de dom? Que pasara con ella? Misterio romance traiciones abandonó abuso todo lo que tiene que tener una historia para atraparte. Espero que desarrollen en la historia de ella, siento que tienen que contar más. No puedo esperar más! Tendré que seguir esperando para poder saber cómo va a terminar. Mejor imposible! A leer!!

March 27, 2024


Review after the novel completion

Ok I kinda like the storyline. I'm just upset that most of the chapters seen to be the same reading as the last chapter. So I feel like I'm just wasting coins. I like Phoebe and Dom. I hope the relationship work out. I don't think that I'm going to read it when it updates. It's just a waste of couns for me to keep reading the same thing over and over again. I don't recommend this book. I give it 2/10.

March 27, 2024

Cally Knowles

Review after the novel completion

You know when a book is simply incredible when you're thinking about it constantly. This book was absolutely amazing and my mind was on nothing else. It tells the tale of a woman whose unfortunate circumstances. It contains some scenes that are somewhat gruesome but they simply add to the irresistibility of turning the pages. The main character is extremely admirable, easily created a sense of each of the characters highlighting their unique individualities. This honestly is the best book I read in a long while and I cannot wait for the next in the series to be released. This is a rare gem and I am so glad I found it.

March 9, 2024