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Best Romance Novels


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The Forbidden Fruit always tastes sweeter. *** TABOO is a collection of forbidden, erotic, steamy s*x romance stories. In this world of pleasure, fantasy becomes reality, and reality becomes an erotic s*xual experience that you can't forget. Cheating husbands, lying priests, dirty stepdads, professors, stepbrothers, threesome with a total stranger, family orgies, and even ho*ny nuns. Why don't you dive into this steamy collections just for you? The Forbidden Fruit always tastes sweeter. *** TABOO is a collection of forbidden, erotic, steamy s*x romance stories. In this world of pleasure, fantasy becomes reality, and reality becomes an erotic s*xual experience that you can't forget. Cheating husbands, lying priests, dirty stepdads, professors, stepbrothers, threesome with a total stranger, family orgies, and even ho*ny nuns. Why don't you dive into this steamy collections just for you?


Michaela Kocmálová

Review after the novel completion

Presne niečo takéto mi tu chýbalo. Ja som nadšená. Malo kapitol akurát, možno nejaké pokračovanie, všetky story boli skvelé. Celkovo mam autorku rada a nie je to jej prva kniha ktorú čítam a isto budem ďalšie ale je to prva kniha ktorú som si celú kúpila za mince a prečítala za jeden deň. Budem určite hľadať viac takých ale potešilo by ma ak by autorka tejto napísala pokračovanie. Mam rada jej štýl písania takže tak

December 10, 2024

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