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The Forbidden Fruit always tastes sweeter. *** TABOO is a collection of forbidden, erotic, steamy s*x romance stories. In this world of pleasure, fantasy becomes reality, and reality becomes an erotic s*xual experience that you can't forget. Cheating husbands, lying priests, dirty stepdads, professors, stepbrothers, threesome with a total stranger, family orgies, and even ho*ny nuns. Why don't you dive into this steamy collections just for you? The Forbidden Fruit always tastes sweeter. *** TABOO is a collection of forbidden, erotic, steamy s*x romance stories. In this world of pleasure, fantasy becomes reality, and reality becomes an erotic s*xual experience that you can't forget. Cheating husbands, lying priests, dirty stepdads, professors, stepbrothers, threesome with a total stranger, family orgies, and even ho*ny nuns. Why don't you dive into this steamy collections just for you?


Kailee Price

Review after half of the novel

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December 5, 2024

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