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My Heartless Husband

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  • 6.0
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Teenage crush, three years marriage but divorced, five years separation. This was their life story. But there was the only thing constant in all these incidents. They love each other to the core. Gloria White who got divorced from David Colin five years back returned to New York with her four-year-old son. She was broken but pulled her up because of her son and wanted to start fresh. His betrayal hurt a lot, but she was trying to get over her pain. When they meet each other, old love burned within, but it came with their pain. The reason for their separation was a misunderstanding. But the love could be the reason for their reunion. But love is not enough sometimes.



Review after half of the novel

The novel my heartless husband is one of my favorite novels so far. The novel does a very good job on keeping you on edge with every turn of a page. their are some mistakes like spelling mistakes but very minor. They are not that hard to read. I do recommend this to everyone or anyone who loves romance. It is something you Will enjoy and each of the chapters are at a good length because they are not to shorts.

March 30, 2024

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