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Max's Revelation

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Max has never admitted to anyone that he dreams about his past, snippets of information about people he’s sure are his parents… reading him a book, raising him up in the air, calling him another name he can’t remember… They seemed happy. So why did he find himself growing up at an orphanage? Celine is always haunted by the event that changed her life forever, her sister getting taken. When her sister disappeared, she wished it had been her instead. They said she was dead, but she knew deep in her heart that her sister was still alive. Haunted by her past, she navigates her day-to-day tasks like a sleeping robot, waiting to be awakened by the right operator. Two individuals, thrown together by fate whose secrets might destroy the fabric of their existence. Will they find the love lurking in the shadows or will it remain elusive? --=-- This is the second book in the Orphan Trilogy, and because Celine and Clara's stories are intertwined there may be parts that you are familiar with if you read the first book. But don't worry these are all from Max's and Celine's perspectives so you will definitely see new material.

Max's Revelation: 1 - Max

Max Johnson. The playboy of San Jose. Women around the area knew about him and his reputation, yet they mill about him like honeybees to a flower whenever he came out to play.

His favorite haunts were the bars and nightclubs, anywhere dark and noisy, housing inebriated women looking for an easy lay. One-night stands with women from out-of-town were his favorite delicacies because he was sure they’d never see each other the next day.

Inside him was a bottomless pit he filled with sexual encounters that were meaningless all because of the chip on his shoulder.

“Orphan Max,” nobody had called him that for a while, but it always crossed his mind, especially when he thought of liking someone.

“You would never be good enough for my daughter. What are you going to feed her?” His ex’s father told him when they were in high school. “Marrying her would elevate your status, but I would rather die than give you my money. Once an orphan, always an orphan.”

The day he got humiliated and rejected in front of his friends and other people was when he grew up and learned that money talked in this society. If he was rich enough, then maybe he could be good enough for someone.

At first, he rebelled against studying, making it difficult for his sister to discipline him and his brother. All the adults around him always thought he would resort to drugs and crime, but thanks to Clara’s persistence, he eventually made something of himself.

He was now the Chief Marketing Officer of Security and Software Technology, SST, in charge of managing budgets, crafting strategies, and identifying market expansion opportunities, among others.

He studied computer science. Tinkering with computer parts and systems was his specialty, but when they were building the company, Max showed he had the knack for convincing people to buy whatever he was selling. He charmed people wherever he went and opened doors he did not think were available for him to enter.

Max was now part of the elite crowd where women, single and married, threw themselves at his feet. And even though he had money, he never dared to take a lover or even think about falling in love.


Tonight, he was alone, left to sit in the middle of this grand salon with nobody to talk to.

The anticipation of what was about to happen made certain parts of his anatomy swell and his skin tingle. That note, “Safeword: Syrup,” was open to interpretation, and only the people who sent it knew what would happen.

Max had never been in any establishment such as the one he was in now. But he heard about them through the internet and whispers from his friends.

Some people view these places as posh getaways, where their deepest, darkest sexual fantasies are fulfilled. He was never brave enough to seek these areas, so he either impressed somebody and this adventure was a gift, or this person wanted to take his revenge and humiliate him.

He was in a mansion high in the mountains. Very elegant and unassuming. It looked like all the other houses around it. Expensive.

These were multi-million dollar houses with not less than five bedrooms and bathrooms, equipped with swimming pools, jacuzzi tubs, and tennis courts.

It was a house one would never suspect to serve its purpose tonight. It was far enough from its neighbors that any activity performed indoors, no matter how loud, would go unnoticed, making it a little unnerving since Max was in unknown territory.

Thoughts ran through his head as he waited. ‘What does this place have to do with syrup? Are they serving pancakes?’

Max heard about people using food to stimulate their senses and excite sexual pleasure out of the participants. If this place was what he thought it was, then he was in for a treat. He was a foodie who loved eating and gorging on buffets. But he was unsure about how food would tie in with his sexual fulfillment.

‘Well, there’s no use thinking about that now. We’ll just deal with it as it comes. Let’s do this.’ He stood up and rotated his arms around like a windmill. Sitting in a very uncomfortable chair in the chilly, empty room made him tense. So he diverted his thoughts to how he got here tonight.

An invitation came through the mail. Sleek and black, without a return address. It should have aroused suspicions, but his curiosity was piqued enough that he opened the letter without considering his safety.

All the message contained was the address to the mansion, the time, and the safe word. So, of course, he needed to investigate.

In hindsight, he should probably have informed his siblings where he was, just in case something happened, but Max knew Clara and Jeremy would have stopped him, so in his shame, he snuck his way to the designated spot by saying he had a date.

Suddenly, Max felt nervous, and he wondered what would happen if the experience ruined food and s*x for him forever. ‘Maybe I should leave,’ he thought as he looked at the enormous double doors.

And just by staring, the entrance opened, ushering in women in strappy vinyl leather bodysuits and teddies that got the blood in his lower extremity heated.

He was so distracted by the whips, stiletto heels, and s*xy attire that he did not notice the trolleys of food the women wheeled in. The aroma from the dishes assaulted his sense of smell. Grilled meat, stews, and dishes with herbs and spices from different countries made him salivate and his stomach growl.

Embarrassed that they might have heard the sound he made, Max looked around. But a woman carrying a tray of oysters saved him from saying anything.

She had the most beautiful, bluest eyes he’d ever seen, very exotic, and he wondered where she came from. Her face was exquisite, and could not be compared to anyone he’d bedded before, getting him more aroused.

With her chest peeking out and her privates barely covered by the fabric draped on her body, it crossed his mind that he wouldn’t mind being her servant as long as he could have a taste.

The woman smiled, enticing him to eat what people considered an aphrodisiac to start him off with his adventure.

The food kept coming. There were raw fruits and vegetables, appetizers, main courses, desserts, hot and cold food, and syrups of every flavor. They paraded all of these in front of him, so he could see what treats they offered. He was open to trying anything, but now, as the doors closed, he was not sure.

The concierge made Max bathe when he first arrived and took his clothes, leaving him to wear the items they provided before instructing him to enter the room. Naked and wrapped in a silk robe, there was nowhere else to turn. ‘Oh boy,’ he thought. ‘After this, I might not look at food the same way again.’

The women took turns using food at different temperatures to stimulate his senses. They made him guess what they rubbed, spread, or dripped over certain parts of his body. Wrong answers earned him punishments that involved whips and food items, while the right ones earned him five minutes of stimulation with his woman of choice.

They fed him every food available, and he liked some of them, even asking for seconds to lengthen the time for guessing, so he was full when his time came up. They fed him well enough to sate his hunger for food and s*x all at the same time.

Max came more times than he expected, being tortured and stimulated in ways he did not think he would enjoy. He thought about using the safeword several times, but did not want to appear like a coward.

Like a fatted pig, he could sleep for the next two days, not only from the food but also from the exertion of his body. But one thing was sure, Max would never return to that place because he could not tell whether the things he did satisfied or shamed him.

Author’s Note:

Welcome to Max’s story, where his past will be revealed in due time.

If you read Clara's Myster, some of the chapters might be familiar, but this is all in Max and Celine's perspective.

Max's Revelation: 2 - Navio

This was not the way he wanted to spend his Friday. They flew the first flight from San Jose that morning to administer this installation. He did not want to be here. A hot date waited for him later that evening, and he was going to play hookey all day. But Clara needed him and Jeremy to go with her to San Diego because somebody double-booked their technicians. And since he and his siblings are trained enough to do the camera and systems installations, they were always on call for backup whenever needed.

Plus, they could not re-schedule the job for this specific company, Navio, the biggest shipping company in the western hemisphere, because this was their ticket to get into the big leagues. If they get this under their belt it could open all the doors to other bigger industries. And that would be good for their company, SST, Security, and Software Technologies. Clara, his sister, has worked hard to bring it up to the standard it’s on right now, almost up there with the big com


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