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Lonely Bride

  • 👁 13.2K
  • 8.5
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As we say, love has no boundaries, nor it has any limitations. A selfless love always finds its ways. A lonely who has no one she calls a family. She had to get married to a billionaire, unwillingly. Though they have age gape, she held no rights to go against this arrangement. Husband’s absence always bothered her somewhere. One tragic incidence pushes her to leave everything and start her own life as per her choices. But what happened when the person and the life she had left long back behind, come and stand in front of her? Asking her to be back in the old life. Will she ever be able to go back? Will she ever be able to get the love of her life? Roller coaster ride of selfless love & sacrifices.



Review after half of the novel

The lonely Bride starts off good. The story is interesting but then it starts getting repetitive. Our main character feels alone. The husband never makes an appearance after the wedding. But to have him always watching over her without her knowing is creepy. His explanation is basically she is too young at 18 to get married. So don't ever talk to her. That's just crazy. Now he never divorced her but wants to have a relationship with her as her husband! Other than the strange plot the grammar and spelling are bad. I have good closure skills, but I still can't figure out what word the author is trying to get.

April 19, 2024

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