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Hiding My Best Friend's Triplets

  • 👁 19K
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Allison Gulferic is an innocent, timid and quiet angel while Nathan Zion Moretti is the opposite. They were best of friends ever since they were kids, growing up together, keeping each other's secrets and experiencing many things together. It all started with cuddles that turned into small touches, their foreplays ended up with making out until they made something unexpected. Allison was impregnated by her best friend, Zion. Both unready and together with the problems, Allison had a miscarriage because of Zion, leading her to leave him. She came back with a revenge plan, playing with Zion, seducing him until he fell then breaking him after. But her plan was successful yet a failure. Zion did fall for her but she was again impregnated. Afraid that what happened to the past might happen again for the second time, she ran away. She lives a normal and far from the life she had, with her triplets. Will Zion find a way to meet their ways? Or a mere chance will bring them back together?



Review after the novel completion

Best book ever=rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr= =r r r r e r rj g b ff butc bhfs. Jyd. Kjgf. Khgfv. Cdrtiikgf. Ki. Y. But j x hf jgc njgcjkc. Nic. Fu. Cb v c z gh jf. Hgc jhf. Jhv club. Dg v .mn n b v c x z a s d g h j k l p k g f d s a c v h j u f d y I f u fh

January 14, 2024

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