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Falling for His Contracted Wife

  • 👁 7.8K
  • 9.1
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Wayne Anderson is a highly successful man. A billionaire. A business tycoon. But there was one stain in his story—he was once married, and his wife cheated on him. They divorced, and it was a messy affair. It has been a few years since that happened, and Wayne has been putting all his focus on his empire. That is until he meets Andrea Payne. She was someone he knew as a child, his younger sister's best friend. He wasn't expecting to see her grown up as a beautiful woman. She seemed clumsy, but she has this air of confidence about her as she kept proposing business ventures to him. Andrea needed his help as her father was once again scammed out of his business.


daoud chourouk

Review after the novel completion

So captivating couldn't stop reading the characters developed nicely really enjoyed the story a little short for my taste would've wanted to read more about them the way they deal with each other and love each other the love they share is so magical and pure loved how they created their own story by beginning with a contract that lead them to fall in love with each other and have their happily ever ater and have a great family together

May 1, 2024

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